DYNACAR: advanced research full electric vehicle

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Logotipo de DYNACAR: advanced research full electric vehicle
Logotipo de DYNACAR: advanced research full electric vehicle
Logotipo de DYNACAR: advanced research full electric vehicle


DYNACAR is a powerful, flexible, real time simulation environment for the design, development and validation of complete vehicle systems or subsystems.

It is a complete road vehicle model, developed in C, that enables automotive engineers design and test all types of vehicle sub-systems in one complete and customizable environment.

DYNACAR can be used throughout the entire design process, allowing the rapid prototyping, implementation and real-time testing of electronic control units (ECU´s) and powertrain components.

Combined with Veristand, custom control algorithms and simulation models generated with other languages can be easily integrated into the vehicle model.

DYNACAR also allows powertrain engineers to quickly generate their own vehicle models, using the graphic user interface with an advanced virtual environment, and to supervise the real time testing with Veristand.

With one, common off-the-shelf hardware and software platform, tests developed in the design and HIL phase can be used all the way through the development cycle to the production floor, reducing costs and speeding time to market.

DYNACAR has been developed by TECNALIA – one of Europe’s largest applied research centers –. This multi-domain and open architecture is changing the way vehicle systems are designed and tested, moving from a siloed approach to a more integrated one for vehicle systems and their components.


[+] Engine Technology Int. Rapid Evolution of Powertrain Systems


[+] Using LabVIEW, NI VeriStand to Create DYNACAR, a Model-Based Dynamometer With Full Vehicle Simulation. A user case

[+] Engineering TV - Dynacar Electric Car Simulation at Wineman Technology

[+] Design News - Dynacar Puts Entire Vehicle to the Test

[+] The Business Journals -Tecnalia Research Introduce Dynacar for Advanced Vehicle Design and Test

[+] Automotive Testing Technology International - Full development cycle simulation

[+] Test & Measurement - Tecnalia Research debut Dynacar at NIWeek

[+] Dynacar at NI Week, Austin Texas. 3-5 August

[+] CITYELEC: Urban transport electrification

[+] SARTRE Safe road trains for the environment

[+] TECNALIA presents electric vehicle that reaches 140 km/hour in 10 seconds

[+] The ERTICO December interview

[+] information
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Parque Tecnológico de San Sebastián
Paseo Mikeletegi, 2.
E-20009 Donostia - San Sebastián
Tel.: (+34) 946.430.850 - Fax: (+34) 944.041.445
Contact: Alberto Peña
Responsible of Electronic Product
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